Neo Coffee Bar

Neo Coffee Bar is a neighbourhood favourite. Designed by the Toronto-based design firm dialogue 38, the clean lines and simple forms of the interior provide the perfect minimalist retreat from the busy downtown core. These silent scenes were captured with my Canon A-1 and Kodak Tri-X 400 film.


Neo Coffee Bar
100-161 Frederick St,
Toronto, ON
M5A 4P

Neo Coffee Bar

When I heard Neo Coffee Bar was opening in my neighbourhood, I was very excited. After living in the same area for the better part of three years, every new addition to the neighbourhood is a reason to celebrate - especially when it has to do with coffee. 

Located just south of King on Frederick, Neo Coffee Bar is a Japanese-inspired cafe that serves a variety of coffee drinks and Japanese-style pastries. Their signature dish is a Japanese roll cake,  a floury sponge cake made with a variety of unique Japanese ingredients such as matcha, aduki beans, and soy bean cream. Although I haven’t tried one of these interesting treats yet, I can definitely attest to the quality and simplicity of their coffee.

Most importantly (at least to me), Neo Coffee Bar is a design enthusiast's dream. Reminiscent of a traditional Japanese living room, the interior is clean, simple, and modern. Exposed HVAC piping and cement block walls compliment the warm plywood wall finishes and marble countertops, giving the cafe a calm, zen atmosphere. Next time you find yourself wandering through the King East Design District, definitely check out Neo Espresso Bar. If not for the coffee, definitely for the design.

Neo Coffee Bar
161 Frederick Street
Toronto, ON
M5A 4P1